I’m having one of those angry days. I’m not sure why.
And then I remember something I read in a David Hawkins book: I am angry because I am full of angriness.
It’s that story about bumping into someone who’s holding a cup of coffee. They spill coffee on you because that’s what’s in their cup.
My cup evidently needs work.
So the Universe sent me this lovely piece of advice: Forgiveness is giving up the hope that the past could have been any different (Dr Gerald Jampolsky).
Is that why I’m angry?
I think of my ten year-old who tells me that she often wakes up with the need to punch someone. I find it incredible that not only is she aware of this fact, but that she often even restrains herself.
I have cup envy.
So what do I need to forgive? And why? I do mostly OK day-to-day. I don’t think I need to release anything.
And then I think of number of people who have reported incredible shifts in their life from saying the Hawaiian forgiveness prayer (Ho'oponopono) every day, very often several times a day:
I’m sorry.
Please forgive me.
Thank you.
I love you.
Very simple. Very powerful.
I suddenly have a headache. Metaphysically, that means I don’t want to accept something. Yes, this. I don’t want to forgive anyone. I don’t even have anyone to forgive!
There are so many other things I’d rather be doing.
And anyway, I’ve done it before. I cried. And cried some more. I don’t want to do that again. I can stay angry. It will pass. It always does.
Then I remember my kid. If I can’t do it for me, I would like to think I’ll do it for her, so that my energy helps to change hers.
My headache is getting worse. Ugh.
I start tonight. I know it works.
Stupid damn headache.
Clearly a sign that I’m on the right track…
