As Alexander the Great was dying, he asked to be buried with his hands dangling outside his coffin. His wish was to show everyone, that even the person who had amassed a great fortune and empire, would leave this world empty-handed.
While we do cannot take our riches, there are indeed two things that are carried forward: our actions (karma) and our habits (samskaaras).
And that means I have to be a good person.
Obviously, I like to think that I am always being a good person, doing the right thing, not intentionally squashing any beetles.
But I wonder.
I remember when I once spoke to one of my grandfathers about the secret to a long and happy life. Given that he is now 93, I figured he would know.
“Don’t screw anyone over.”
(Of course, I’m paraphrasing.)
He said that was how he slept easy at night.
I wondered again if I had been a good person. I wondered if I was enough of a good person. I decided that in order to let go of all the sh*t and to be forgiven for anything I had done, I needed to start using the Hawaiian forgiveness prayer: I’m sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you. I love you.
Sometimes I listen to it on YouTube for an hour. Invariably I end up crying. I’m not sure what about. But I figure release is a good thing. And then I can go back to being as good a person as I know how to be. And maybe get a little better every day.
Because those pearly gates are as certain as death and taxes. And I sure as hell want to be ready.
